4 December 2024  | Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield

Pete Thornton-Smith is offering to demystify the whole networking experience for you with his new concise ‘Do it in a Day’ networking course ‘Convert Strangers into Client or Contacts’.

Based on the five easy to follow masterclasses he has recently devised, you will see him and his fellow Modern Day Networkers walk you through the four strands that gives you the opportunity to increase leads, conversions and fees. Not surprisingly, Pete himself uses these and it has made such a difference to his business and he makes the point “I so wish somebody had shown me all this when I started”.

It takes into account not just traditional and social media networking, but the power of NLP to engage people and build meaningful relationships then value based pricing to get paid what you’re worth. Why not get it before Sheffex then you can put it all into use on the day.

It is now a web-based course so simply click through to this exclusive Sheffex page I have created for you on my website and use the password to see all the details: www.petertsevents.com/sheffex

To get the discount code password just register as a SheffEX delegate.

Note the offer will close on midnight December 7th.