The Sheffield Business Event | 4 December 2024  | Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield

It’s World Book Day so we’ve put together a few recommendations of business books we’ve read and enjoyed.

There are none of the old fashioned Dale Carnegie “How to win friends and influence people” type of books here. These books all take a different view and are chosen to get you thinking about your own business activities. They range from the practical to the inspirational, but all of them are a great read, or if you’re like me and always pressed for time, consumed as an audiobook while jogging.

If you buy one of these books by clicking the book picture link you’ll pay the usual great Amazon price, but Amazon will also make a small payment to the Sheffield Hospital Radio charity.


The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness

By Professor Steve Peters

Dr Peters is from Sheffield and lectures at the University, but most people will have heard about his revolution in sports psychology, especially alongside Sir Dave Brailsford at British Cycling  where they created the world beating cycling superstars that swept the board at the Olympics and turned Britain into the number 1 cycling nation on track and road. I’ve listened to The Chimp Paradox on audiobook and there’s no denying that you’ll need to concentrate, but everything in it makes sense and is easy to relate to. Steve Peters book is a must read for anyone who takes themselves seriously. It could transform your whole life!


How to start a business without any money

by Rachel Bridge.

Rachel Bridge is a former Sunday Times Enterprise Editor and it shows. She’s met more entrepreneurs than most of us have had hot dinners and she brings that knowledge together in this easy to read handbook for success on a budget.

She gave a well attended talk at the MADE Festival a couple of years ago and my dogeared signed copy is a regular lend to friends.


Like A Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School

by Sir Richard Branson

The man himself and who wouldn’t want to hear his thoughts? Not everything he touches turns to gold but his tenacity has made him a world class business superhero. Ghostwritten for sure, but it’s hard to ignore the man and his multiple successes, all with a personal brand of nice guy with a beard.



To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Persuading, Convincing, and Influencing Others

By Daniel H Pink

Another book by a psychologist, but this is another cracking read. Daniel Pink now lectures at some of the worlds leading universities and this book shows his talent for breaking down the science of selling to manageable chunks that work on a very human level. Everyone can do it, and he walks us through it with clarity and aplomb.