SheffEX Expo

Sheffield Business & Networking Expo For The City Region

4 December 2024  @ Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield

28 April 2014

Charles Black

Professional Book Keeping Service From sole traders to small businesses to larger companies that need expert book-keeping my company is here to help. I have been in accounting for nearly 30 years and have worked in practice, been the finance manager / director for a project management company trading nationally and internationally and for […]

Professional Book Keeping Service

From sole traders to small businesses to larger companies that need expert book-keeping my company is here to help.

I have been in accounting for nearly 30 years and have worked in practice, been the finance manager / director for a project management company trading nationally and internationally and for the last 9 years I have been running my own business.

Some questions to ask yourself. If you do your own accounts at night when you come in from a long day working or at the weekend when the family wants your attention then why not free up that time and let us do it all for you. If you are not getting out to do the sales visits you want or you are watching your kids grow up through a window because you are trying to balance your books, work out your VAT or sort the payroll then we’re here to help and probably cheaper than the hourly rate you charge yourself out for too.

We can come to your offices or you can drop your books in with us. My company is here to do whatever makes your life easier.

I am a Member of the Association of Accounting Technicians (MAAT) an industry recognised qualification that you have to study hard and pass exams to qualify for.

Who is Charles Black? I wanted a name for my company that was both professional but had a bit of tongue in cheek fun about it. After a lot of thought the answer was right under my feet, we have a gorgeous black labrador called Charlie so Charles Black the company was born and the namesake sleeps under my desk but keeps a good eye on things.

Call me today on 01909 519874 / 07895 265370 or email me at