4 December 2024  | Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield

Local companies certified to ISO 9001 could have a surprise in store when the standard gets revised from the 2008 version to that of 2015. Some say it is the most significant change they have seen to the standard. However, companies will doubtless leave it to the last minute thus putting themselves under pressure having less time to talk it through with staff  and then introduce all the changes required of them.

Certainly the Owner, CEO or MD is being asked to be more hands on in the running of the system so that’ll come as a shock to most.  No longer can it be bolted onto the business or simply viewed as a delegated task for one unsuspecting member of staff.  Also, have they seen the significant changes in relation to that person’s role anyway or the documents that are removed and the processes that are added? Will they understand how to introduce risk management for example?

Rotherham based 9001 Quality Management Specialist Pete Thornton-Smith of the 9001 Support Centre (which is part of PeterTS.com) is already chatting to certified companies to paint a picture as to what is coming there way with the new standard. He has attended sessions with no less than three certification bodies and is about to undertake his auditor transition course but found time to put together a trailer of his recent webinar on the subject to set the scene.

The revised standard was destined for publication in September but now looks more likely to be October/ November according to his latest sources so take advantage of that delay and see to it that you talk to Pete at Sheffex on June 1st at the PeterTS.com stand.

PS: It can also be viewed on Pete’s free app which can be downloaded from either the Apple or Android stores. Just search for ‘9001 Support’.