The Sheffield Business Event | 4 December 2024  | Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield

Ignition Search


Internet Fuel – It’s What We Do

Work­ing with major international brands, SMEs and inno­v­a­tive new start-ups, Igni­tion Search pro­vides a range of high qual­ity search mar­ket­ing and social adver­tis­ing services to a wide range of indus­tries.

Enjoy­ing organic year on year growth, our biggest sales chan­nel has been word of mouth. Our com­mit­ment to stan­dards, busi­ness ethics and trans­parency in ser­vice has meant that our clients are happy to refer us into their busi­ness net­work. We also deliver results – and that helps too!

Our approach is to con­tin­u­ally improve as a busi­ness, tak­ing both our new and exist­ing clients for­ward with us whilst work­ing hard as a team to improve our knowl­edge.