SheffEX Expo

Sheffield Business & Networking Expo For The City Region

4 December 2024  @ Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield

15 May 2015

Kevin Parkin, Entrepreneur In Residence at Connect Gazelles

Kevin Parkin

Kevin Parkin

Entrepreneur In Residence at Connect Gazelles

Kevin Parkin led an MBO in 2006 when Davy Markham had a turnover of £10.5m and was loss making to the tune of £2.4m and turned it round to sales of £21m and a profit of £1.2m which was sold in 2011 with the investors making a return of 10 times. This involved creating a new strategy of open management styles, effective internal communications, on time deliveries, becoming customer focused, reinstating the apprentice training scheme and making health and safety the number one business priority.

Kevin is a no nonsense turnaround MD and General Manager of manufacturing companies with poor trading or profitability.

He is the founder of Parkin Limited, the professional management and business Turnaround Company. He has multi-disciplined academic qualifications in Engineering, Marketing and Accountancy supported by twenty-five years of manufacturing experience at board level.


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