Met Club
After Show Party at the Royal Victoria Hotel 4:30pm— 7:30pm
SheffEX December 2014
The Met Club, founded by Christine Armstrong in 2004, taken over by Julie Edmondson in 2014, is Yorkshire’s leading networking organisation, bringing business decision makers together and building long term business relationships.
Our main functions include a wide variety of events ranging from breakfasts, informal and informative lunches, and relaxed evening events attracting a wide range of decision makers from all businesses and professions throughout the Yorkshire region.
As a member you have the opportunity to host a breakfast/lunch or seminar event on a relevant topic as appropriate.
There is no obligation for members to introduce others to the club although you are more than welcome to bring along guests at any time.
We are a mutually supportive, multi regional business club giving you the opportunity to network in all regions.
We send out regular invitations and mailings, but details of all events can be found on the events section of our website. We would not divulge personal details unless previously agreed.
Guest members can sample the benefits of membership by attending one or two events before considering membership.
David Dickson, Senior Partner, Garbutt & Elliott LLP.
“Any business which regularly attends networking events needs to review the effectiveness of those events. Garbutt & Elliott have found that events run by The Met Club to be useful and effective as an introduction to company decision makers in a professional, but relaxed environment. I would have no hesitation in strongly recommending The Met Club to any SME businesses who are reviewing their networking opportunities.”
Stephen Waud, Fund Director, Business Enterprise Fund
‘Having recently joined the MET club, I was impressed with calibre of the professionals in the network. The events are always well run and you have plenty of opportunity to build that critical network of contacts.’