Pete TS
Stay ahead of the rest with PeterTS! Pete Thornton-Smith is the man to see and chat to if you want someone to:
- lighten the load of that quality management system be it 9001, aerospace or 14001 & 18001
- clear the fog surrounding social media so you can raise the your profile and that of your business
- introduce you to people who have the skills to grow or sort your business
ISO 9001 Support Centre:
There’s no need to put your brand at risk or loose money because of ineffective systems, processes and people. Discover how to rectify the situation from a recognised Quality Management Specialist and author of the acclaimed “9001 – The Collection” training videos and a blog that my subscribers tell me is a ‘Goldmine’. Join me for a chat and I’ll also reveal the new 9001 Support Centre App and walk you through its cool features.
Your Social Profile Builder:
Being second best to the competition on social media is a very short-sighted approach nowadays. Get yourself sorted so you can hear those new opportunities literally drop into your inbox by listening to “How to Make Social Media Work for Me” when presented live or watch it as a webinar as I reveal my 8-point strategy specifically for Business Professionals.
Local Small Business Advisor:
Endlessly talking those issues and concerns to death at work gets you nowhere. Without prompt action you will see those business headaches stay on that agenda of yours forever. Get introduced to a national network of respected and time-served Business Advisors and sound them out about the issues you see in your business. Improve your networking skills as well courtesy of the Modern Day Networkers and their series of talks and webinars under the banner “Converts Strangers into Clients or Contacts”.
Pete Thornton-Smith, Managing Director
Office: +44 (0)1709 739093
Mobile: +44 (0)7732 300686
Skype: peterts7