Dr Jayne Rogers Google Garage Trainer Dr Jayne Rogers is a Google Garage trainer and her two talks at SheffEX will give you insights direct from the global search engine to help you place your own online presence in front of the right people for your business. Tell...
From Sheffield City Region About our city region The Sheffield City Region has a diverse economy comprising a dynamic core city, important towns and market towns, fabulous countryside and a significant rural economy. With an economic output of more than £31 billion...
What do you think should happen with Chapel Walk? Traders are pushing for improvements to bring it back to life but with four different landlords it’s proving difficult to get a cohesive answer together. Read the Star article for more. New strategy needed to...
Give yourself an edge with insights and learning from some of the region’s most inspirational and informative speakers at More Business Better Business Commences 1:00 pm. Book your ticket to reserve a seat. We’ve gathered together some of the region’s most...
People don’t like admitting they need help, especially men, and especially when it comes to business improvement help! We won’t visit the doctor, we won’t ask for directions. We see it as a sign of weakness. I think we’re missing a trick. My...