As you’ve probably noticed, Sheffex is double billed as Sheffield’s exhibition and networking event.
In truth we don’t think that there is a silver bullet for meeting new contacts and developing existing ones, so this is the part of Sheffex that we would like to be shaped by YOU.
When it comes to networking we’ve seen so many different formats that it’s difficult to choose what works better than something else. We’ve already got a few great ideas being developed but we’d like suggestions, ideas, input, and maybe some involvement from you.
We’re going to create something called the Networking Arena. It’s a space that’s designed to be used for a variety of activities throughout the day. It will be in the main exhibition hall, there will be three distinct zones, and we’d like to have up to ten different ways for business networkers to come together, meet, exchange ideas, concepts, and do a few business deals.
We’re genuinely open to new concepts and we’d like to see some innovation as well as tried and tested formats.
Even though there will already be hundreds of delegates at Sheffex, the best ideas will probably include a way to tap into existing business networks and groups around the Sheffield City Region. You might have a plan to include buyers, purchasing organisations, or specific industry groups or sectors.
Whatever you have in mind, please drop a line to Mark at with an outline of your idea.